If there ever was a face that said “are you kidding me?!” only to realize.........

#betterworld #circularity #climatchange #inspiration #lifestyle #motivation #parisagreement #procurement #sdgs #supplychain #sustainability #sustainablelifestyle #weekend Mar 11, 2021

we were drop dead serious, it was this guy’s face.

Attending a Reuters event in Amsterdam, Marcel Jacobs was a speaker. In his presentation he talked about how feeding cows seaweed, could help reduce CO2eq emissions. He started telling a joke but emphasized that there most definitely are some advantages in feeding cattle seaweed. One guy in the audience kept looking around, trying to connect with the rest of the audience, because he honestly thought it was a big joke. You get the picture.

 Right after the presentation he came up to us and ask the big question that was clearly keeping him tremendously occupied for the last 30 minutes “Was that a joke?! The cattle seaweed thing?”. We explained that it wasn’t. He left the room, came back in less than 10 minutes. The question mark on his head had turned into an exclamation mark. He approached us and explained. “I just send an app to my friend who is actually a seaweed farmer. He called me right back. I told him about the cattle and the seaweed. It is not a joke. He knew! Is there a way you can help him make a business out of it?”

If you talk to one another, great things can happen. That day we also talked to a large Diary Manufacturer. They are applying this principle now. Getting experienced in it and figuring out how to improve on it. Please find dialogue and don’t shame others because they have a different perspective.

Own it. For better lives.

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