Song of the whale (and the realization that they help to reduce CO2 emissions)

#betterworld #circl8 #circularity #climatchange #inspiration #lifestyle #motivation #parisagreement #procurement #sdgs #supplychain #sustainability #sustainablelifestyle #weekend Mar 31, 2021

Fear. Shock. Astonishment. I felt all of them when looking at the "boat" that was supposed to take us whale watching. It was SMALL, very very small. “What if the whale decides to dive when it is right below the boat?”,  I asked. The guide laughed. “Madame, that will not happen. I promise”.

 Fast forward a few hours. The same guide that promised me "THAT" wouldn't happen was in complete stress because... guess what, the humpback whale was swimming under our boat ready to dive. Don't worry it didn't. It even lead up to us being able to listen to the song of that same whale.

The stressed guide put the microphone in the water and we all listened. The anxiety changed into rest, peace, respect and most of all humbleness. It brought tears to my eyes and it has been a cherished memory ever since.

For quite a while now, we know that these giants are not only intelligent and social, they also can contribute to the solution of our environmental issues.

Help us cherish them? Start acting today! On behalf of the whales: THANK YOU!


Own it. For better lives.

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